For nearly five years, ConTessa has been changing the face of gaming through the awesome power of positive representation. To pay for all that, we sell ConTessa merchandise in the form of pinback buttons, magnets, lanyards, and t-shirts. Through these sales, we've been able to grow the program, allowing us to run bigger events at more conventions where we can reach even more people.
One of the most commonly requested forms of merchandise we've been asked for are plush versions of our adorable mascots, which we had commissioned years ago as illustrations for both merchandising and promotional purposes. Until now, that possibility was too expensive, but thanks to a combination of our growth, and the fine folks at Budsies, we're finally able to offer up plush mascots - with your pledge!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Introducing our Gen Con 50 T-Shirt!!!
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 06:31:10 PM
The design has been finalized for our Gen Con 50 T-Shirt! Each year, we get a new commemorative T-Shirt made for the convention, and give them out free to our GMs, panelists, and volunteers. This year you can help offset our costs by buying one for yourself, exclusively through this Kickstarter! :D
Just add $25 to your order to pick one up (we're also lowering the price now that we know exactly what we're getting), or grab one as an add-on through BackerKit after the campaign ends!
We're at the last spring to the finish line! It'd be fantastic if we could make our first stretch goal, but we're thrilled we've gotten funded and Tessa will become a reality! Thanks for your support, everyone!
- Stacy
over 7 years ago
– Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 09:42:38 AM
We made it! Tessa is officially unlocked and ready to roll! Thanks so much to all our awesome backers who made this possible!
Your generosity helps us in the following ways:
We get to finally make our mascots into plush toys! This is just cool all by itself because, obviously, plush dragons with gorgeous eyelashes are a thing everyone should have in their homes.
It pays our bills for Gen Con 50! Gen Con is the most expensive convention we do in a year, and this year's a dooozy. By unlocking Tessa, though, you've already paid for staff housing, our biggest expense!
It CONTINUES to help us earn money for conventions! We'll sell the remainder plush toys on our website for donations, ensuring we have a continuing source of income for subsequent conventions this year and going into the future!
Now, of course, we're onto staring down the stretch goals with a steely gaze. We're especially keeping an eye (or nine) on that first stretch goal - Bea! Bea is our fantastic little eyeball monster, and we're less than $2K away from making her entrance into the third dimension a reality!
Ten days left to go before this Kickstarter goes away forever!
In addition to our Kickstarter, we also wanted to tell you about our 2017 Bundle of Awesome now available on RPGNow or DriveThruRPG. Put together by the awesome and helpful Dyson Logos, this bundle contains 37 RPG books donated by publishers for the incredibly ridiculous price of just $10! Included in the bundle is the only PDF of Fire on the Velvet Horizon that will ever see the light of day!
While the Kickstarter will continue until the 16th (ten more days!), the bundle will only be available on RPGNow for another 5 (until the 11th)!
Again, I want to take a moment to thank you all for helping us reach our goals and go beyond them. 2017 has seen an unprecedented amount of growth for ConTessa. We've tripped our presence at Gen Con, and added two more annual stops - in Seattle for GeekGirlCon at the end of September, and in Ann Arbor for U-Con in November. Without your support, we'd never be able to get there!
Thank you for your generosity, but more importantly, THANK YOU for caring about diversity in gaming. We're going to change the face of gaming one convention at a time!
Welcome, and Make the Most of Your Shipping!
over 7 years ago
– Sun, Jul 02, 2017 at 07:53:09 AM
Hello, everybody! Thanks for making the start of our Kickstarter awesome! We are very close to being funded, and then it's all about our two stretch goals: Bea and Mimi!
Now that we're rolling, I wanted to point something out that would've pushed the description into the 'way too long' territory had I added it there, and that's all about how we're handling shipping for this project.
To keep all the funds you pledge here dedicated to getting the plush toys made, we'll be collecting your shipping funds via BackerKit after the Kickstarter is over. To make it easier on you to determine which shipping level you'll need, we've included the weights of everything we're putting up on the KS, including our stretch goals.
For our domestic (USA) backers, shipping starts at one pound (that's 16 ounces), and goes up by the pound from there (that's how the USPS charges). That means a bag that's got 1.2 pounds of loot in it will cost the same as a bag that's got 2 pounds of loot in it.
For our international backers, shipping starts at up to 2 pounds, then proceeds to go up each pound after that. So, a bag with 10 ounces will cost 2 pounds worth, a bag with 1.5 pounds will cost 2 pounds worth, etc...
With that in mind, be sure to take a look at our add-ons! Besides just being awesome things, the great thing about our add-ons (aside from our Gen Con 50 t-shirt) is that they've all already been made. That means every dollar you spend on buttons and lanyards goes directly into getting plush toys made. So, consider adding a couple of add-ons to your pledge by adding their cost to your pledge. These things will also be available via BackerKit after the campaign ends, but if you do this DURING the campaign, we have a better chance of reaching either one or both of our stretch goals!
When it comes to the Gen Con 50 T-Shirts, your order will go in with the batch we get made for our GMs, which means by ordering a T-Shirt, you get an awesome exclusive T-Shirt (normally only our GMs and panelists get these shirts), AND you help our overall cost on buying T-Shirts by raising the number of shirts we need to get made.
Thanks again, everyone, and do please help share the word! These will arrive at your doorstops just in time for the holidays!